Street Marketing Unconventional Targeting Strategies

Street Marketing Ideas Agency

Street marketing ideas explained. Throughout decades we have been able to watch a fall in the quality of consumer’s attention towards advertisements. The interest placed on the content information found on ads is no longer what it was a couple of years ago, since the web have empowered them to access better information on-demand. Previous research has theorised the clear correlation between street marketing advertising effectiveness and the impression that the message is creatively communicated.

Guerrilla Marketing Teams

This has led marketers to increasingly look at other forms of unconventional marketing which are yet to be exploited to their full marketing potential, i.e. outdoor communication, street marketing promotions and ambient media to engage in urban touch-points.

The exploration of alternative approaches to communication enables to bring innovativeness to the marketing strategies and break with field conventions. When it comes to promotion, proximity to the audience is a key element to achieve reach.

Street Marketing Ideas

Promotions Staff

Consequently, guerrilla marketing has already proved successful on mobilising the imagination of the street to attract attention. Street marketing campaigns enables to enhance brand awareness, its high exposure characteristic makes it possible to achieve different objectives, like boosting traffic and generating subscriptions.

In Store Events Staff

However, it is true that this technique carries the difficulty of planning, organising and executing the operation, as both agencies and firms need to integrate the message in a unique and creative idea that consumers will find clear to understand. Otherwise, the promotion would lose its potential to go viral and fail to convey the message.

When planning a street marketing campaign to raise brand awareness and drive sales, speak to the street marketing experts. Call: 0207 607 2568 or Contact Us

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